About Us
Based at Ahmedabad, Gujarat, Modern jewellers is a design house, which entirely
- focuses on manufacturing and designing of haute couture jewellery since last three decades. Jewellery, since the dawn of culture has been a prevalent form of adornment. Its existence across time and cultures proves the influence it has on a human mind, more so on a woman.
- Our designs are a combination of traditional jewellery making techniques with the modern precious and semi precious gemstones; they are an amalgamation of the sparkle of a diamond with the aura of the designer.
- Each and every piece is an influx of international trends with exquisite craftsmanship made to break the regional barriers and deliver global & sophisticated products.
- Our work is inspired by what is going on around us. Constantly drawing inspiration from things around and combining different forms used elsewhere is what represents our style.
- Elegance, grandness and softness is what we try to represent in our products.